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//GA Event Tracker Script. Licensed under MIT. Free for any use by all. Written by Paul Seal from // Get the category, action and label from the element and send it to GA. The action is optional, because mostly it will be a click event. var trackClickEvent = function () { var eventCategory = this.getAttribute("data-event-category"); var eventAction = this.getAttribute("data-event-action"); var eventLabel = this.getAttribute("data-event-label"); var eventValue = this.getAttribute("data-event-value"); ga('send', 'event', eventCategory, (eventAction != undefined && eventAction != '' ? eventAction : 'click'), eventLabel, eventValue); }; // Find all of the elements on the page which have the class 'ga-event' var elementsToTrack = document.getElementsByClassName("ga-event"); // Add an event listener to each of the elements you found var elementsToTrackLength = elementsToTrack.length; for (var i = 0; i < elementsToTrackLength; i++) { elementsToTrack[i].addEventListener('click', trackClickEvent, false); }