A Case Study of Dr Jim Rives

Scaling a Coaching Business with Delenta

Dr. Jim is a seasoned coach who transforms leaders & helps CEOs excel in complex times. He uses a holistic approach with neuroscience, somatics, psychology, philosophy, and experience to guide leaders to their best.

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Leadership Coach


Dr. Jim, an experienced executive coach, has built a reputation for transforming leadership cultures and helping CEOs thrive in modern and chaotic times. With a holistic approach that incorporates cognitive neuroscience, somatics, social psychology, philosophy, and extensive experience, Dr. Jim has successfully guided senior executives to become their best versions. His clients have benefited from his deep listening, vast expertise, and the creation of long-lasting relationships, leading some of them to work with him for over two decades.

The Challenge

Year in Review

These were some of the difficulties that Dr. Jim was facing in running his coaching business:

While Dr. Jim's coaching practice was growing, he faced challenges in scaling his business efficiently. As demand for his services grew, he needed to find a solution that would enable him to expand his reach, serve more clients, and maintain the same level of personalised attention and impact for his clients.

•  He spent a lot of time and energy on administrative tasks, such as scheduling, invoicing, and managing contracts

• He struggled to find a way to create his own branded platform with a community of experts, where he could monitor and manage his coaching engagements and coaches.

• He was looking for an affordable solution that can support his coaches with the right tools and resources so together they can serve more clients and create a larger Impact.

• He had no way of tracking his clients' progress, feedback, or satisfaction over time.

•  He wanted to reach more clients across different geographies and industries,
but he lacked the right tools and resources.


Needed a solution that would simplify her systems, increase productivity

Some of the challenges Blyde faced in running her online coaching business:
•  Managing multiple platforms & tools for scheduling, invoicing, video conferencing, file sharing, client management & communication.
•  Keeping track of his clients' progress, tasks, notes & testimonials.
•  Creating and selling coaching packages and online courses.
•  Customizing her landing page and branding to showcase her
skills and attract the right clients.
•  Integrating her psychometric assessments and diagnostics with her coaching platform.
•  Scaling her business and reaching more clients.

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The Solution

Dr. Jim discovered Delenta, a comprehensive coaching platform designed to support coaches in their practice.

Recognizing the potential benefits it could offer, Dr. Jim decided to partner with Delenta to optimize his coaching business and streamline its operations.

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Solution - Partnering with Delenta:

Enhanced Efficiency: Delenta provided Dr. Jim with a centralized platform that simplified various aspects of his coaching practice, such as client management, scheduling, billing, and progress tracking. This automation allowed him to focus more on coaching and less on administrative tasks.

Broadened Reach: Delenta Multi-coach features enabled Dr. Jim to create his own branded platform with a community of experts who could provide a wider variety of services to clients. By collaborating, they could give clients a more complete solution for their coaching needs.

Branded Landing page:  Dr. Jim created a team branded profile and a landing page for each associate. He also customized his coach profile and client portal with videos and credentials. He scheduled appointments, created coaching packages, and captured leads with a public page that showcased his services, courses, and content.

Coach website

Seamless Client Engagement: Delenta's user-friendly interface allowed Dr. Jim to maintain the personalized 1:1 and team coaching relationships that were fundamental to his success. The platform's communication tools ensured smooth and efficient interactions with his clients.

Onboarding Corporate Clients: Jim was able to create a hybrid business model on Delenta by bringing both his corporate clients and individual clients under one roof. He could offer different types of services and packages to suit the needs and budgets of his diverse clients.

Client to Coach Matching: Jim  leveraged the multi-coach features to assign different coaches to different clients, depending on their expertise and availability. He  manages all his clients and coaches from one platform, saving him time and hassle.

Live Analytics & Dashboard:  Jim now has a better insight into his business with the support of comprehensive analytics relating to his team sessions. He can track  revenues, bookings, cancellations, no-shows, ratings and feedback. Live analytics tools to grow his client base and measure his impact.

Digital Course Platform:  Jim was able to create courses on Delenta, offering more services under one roof.
He was able to use the course builder tool to design and deliver engaging and interactive courses on various topics
related to Neuro executive coaching. Also assign his courses to his team members or his clients, depending on their needs and goals.

Integrating Delenta to the Website: Jim was able to whitelabel Delenta platform and integrate it to his website. He could customize the look and feel of his client portal & communication with his own logo, colors, and tone of voice. He is currently in the process of  embedding his team branded landing page, and services on his website, making it easy for his clients to reach them.

Enterprise-grade data protection: His business also benefit's from Delenta's security and compliance features, ensuring that his data and transactions were safe and protected.

Admin Dashboard: With the Delenta admin dashboard, Jim gets fully visibility of his business and  manages his associates, and clients with ease and efficiency.

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Some of the features that Blyde uses are:

Year in Review
Q1 2022

Unlimited Course
Sales Pages

This feature will help you sell your Delenta courses using new sales pages. Start monetising your skills, experiences and your audience all in one place.

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Latest Feature

CRM Solution

Blyde can keep her clients and prospects in control with less effort. She can easily manage her contacts, leads, opportunities and sales pipeline.

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Integrated Delenta Calendar:

Blyde can offer a frictionless scheduling experience for her coaching business. Shecan publish her availability, sync her calendar with Google or Outlook, send meeting reminders and reschedule sessions with ease.

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Latest Feature

Branded landing page:

Blyde can create and publish a professional-looking landing page with a simple edit and update builder. Shecan showcase her skills, experience, testimonials, packages and courses on one page.

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Seamless Integrated Payment Solution:

Blyde can easily automate invoices, billing payments and subscriptions. She can save time, hassle and stress by getting paid faster with secure built-in payment handling via Stripe or PayPal.

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Latest Feature

Session Management:

Blyde can offer an intuitive and automated session-booking system that seamlessly integrates Zoom capabilities. She can conduct individual or group coaching sessions with high-quality video conferencing.

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Coaching Packages:

Blyde can easily create her coaching programs and deliver them to clients with a click of a button. She can set up different packages with different prices, durations, frequencies and features.

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Latest Feature

Live Analytics & Dashboard:

Blyde can get a better insight into her business with comprehensive analytics relating to her sessions. She can track her revenue, bookings, cancellations, no-shows, ratings and feedback.

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Latest Feature

Digital Course Platform:

Blyde can create and sell online courses with Delenta Premium. She can design engaging courses with videos, audios, texts, and many more. She can also track the progress and performance of her clients.

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Dedicated Client Portal:

Blyde can track and measure her clients' progress and keep meeting notes and actions inside their own professionally-designed and secure client portal. She can also assign tasks, rewards and points to motivate her clients.

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Dr. Jim also benefits from the following advantages of Delenta:

Strategic Partnerships: As a Coach looking to grow and scale his practice, Jim can leverage the partnerships that Delenta has with associations like Association of Business Mentors (ABM) to access more resources, opportunities and exposure for his coaching business.

Technology Partnerships: Jim can connect his apps with Delenta through integrations like Zapier. He can automate his work flow and have more time for what he does best.

Security: Jim can trust that Delenta is secure and compliant with data protection regulations and compliance like ISO 27001 (compliant ready). Delenta uses SSL encryption, GDPR compliance, hosting and regular backups to ensure the safety of his data.

Support: Jim didn't have to worry about setting up his coaching business on Delenta by himself. We guided him through the account setup, helped him with the transition from his previous system to Delenta, and supported him with creating his workflow automation. We also provided onboarding training sessions to Jim and his team to help them learn how to use Delenta's features and functions effectively, making sure he had a smooth and successful onboarding experience with Delenta.

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The Results

Finally I can bring my coaching, courses, groups & associates under one roof!

Delenta is the best investment I ever made for my coaching business. It has helped me scale my business without sacrificing quality / client satisfaction. Dr. Jim's partnership with Delenta proved to be a pivotal decision in scaling his coaching business successfully. Scalable Delenta solution empowered him to reach new heights and make a more significant impact on leaders seeking transformation in their professional and personal lives. Delenta played a vital role in helping Dr. Jim fulfil his passion for coaching, ultimately benefiting both him and his clients.

Learn more about Dr Jim Rives

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Neuro Change Practitioner

Trusted by hundreds of businesses like you,

I hope more therapists, coaches, counsellors and other practitioners will discover Delenta – not only because it will make their lives easier but also to prevent risks with client paperwork. Having a system where everything is one place just means you don’t have to worry about the peripheral things and can concentrate on the coaching. It’s all about streamlining things.”
Blyde Neser
HR Consultant and Team Coach
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I love the 'one stop shop' element

Since using Delenta, Blyde has been able to:
•  Save time and money by using one platform for all her coaching needs.
•  Deliver a better coaching experience to her clients and prospects.
•  Increase her productivity and efficiency by automating her admin tasks.
•  Grow her online coaching business by creating and selling more coaching packages and courses.
•  Showcase her skills and expertise on a customisable landing page.
•  Integrate her psychometric assessments and diagnostics with her coaching software.•  Scale her business and reach more clients across the world.

Blyde is very happy with Delenta and recommends it to other coaches and mentors who want to scale their online coaching business.

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Q4 2023

All workshops &
events In one place

Enhance reach, save cost, & build easily by hosting your virtual events on Delenta. Host engaging online events that people love.

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Q2 2023

Integrated Delenta Calendar

Blyde can offer a frictionless scheduling experience for her coaching business. Shecan publish her availability, sync her calendar with Google or Outlook, send meeting reminders and reschedule sessions with ease.

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Q3 2023

Create your own community within your coaching platform

Our All in one features will take care of the essential components
of the community. Enable group members to ask questions, post answers, upvote, and accept the right solution.

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We continue to innovate check out our roadmap to learn more about whats coming next!

Stay tuned and be the first one to get access to our innovative features the ones coming up in 2023 & beyond.

Year in Review
//GA Event Tracker Script. Licensed under MIT. Free for any use by all. Written by Paul Seal from codeshare.co.uk // Get the category, action and label from the element and send it to GA. The action is optional, because mostly it will be a click event. var trackClickEvent = function () { var eventCategory = this.getAttribute("data-event-category"); var eventAction = this.getAttribute("data-event-action"); var eventLabel = this.getAttribute("data-event-label"); var eventValue = this.getAttribute("data-event-value"); ga('send', 'event', eventCategory, (eventAction != undefined && eventAction != '' ? eventAction : 'click'), eventLabel, eventValue); }; // Find all of the elements on the page which have the class 'ga-event' var elementsToTrack = document.getElementsByClassName("ga-event"); // Add an event listener to each of the elements you found var elementsToTrackLength = elementsToTrack.length; for (var i = 0; i < elementsToTrackLength; i++) { elementsToTrack[i].addEventListener('click', trackClickEvent, false); }