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This International Coaching Week : Get 2 months Delenta Subscription for FREE !
Delenta was born with one purpose in mind to offer a complete, self-improvement experience through coaching & mentoring and powered by highly-intelligent and customisable tools.
And yet, Delenta is so much more than that! We are driven by a guiding belief that the World should, and can, become a better place.....a place where people strive to grow, to improve and to live out their dreams…...a place where those with the ability to help make those dreams a reality. So, we have developed Delenta: a fully-featured, intuitive, online coaching platform which was built from the ground up to help people like you become a positive force for change in the World! Delenta is about making the World a better place, through the seemingly simple act of sharing.

Sharing knowledge, sharing skills, sharing expertise and experience........IT’S ALL ABOUT COMMUNITY - bringing together people who share our dream of a better future and giving them the tools and resources to make that future a reality.
About US
It’s all about the community

The entire Delenta team is always focused on fanatically serving our customers. We believe the only way to be successful is to truly listen and create the products and features our customers need and want.


Meaningful Human Interactions and Information & Skill Sharing


Delenta Supports Coaches & Mentors to help them to Connect, Collaborate and Experience


The System Grows as
Your Business Grows!

We’re creating a world where, through technology, we bridge the gap between mentors and mentees, coaches and clients, experts and be a force for good in the World.

Does this sound like you?

Are you an online coach who wants to change the world, but you struggle with so many hours of endless admin work that you never actually have time to live your passionate work? We know how that feels. And I can assure you if you want to...

🚀 start your own business from scratch, or just grow the business you already have…
💪 build a sustainable coaching business without working 14 hours a day...
🌏 create a lifestyle business while having a positive impact on your follow

…then you've arrived at the perfect place, and our software is for you.

We are Delenta, and we help online business coaches start, run, and grow their Internet-based coaching businesses. With Delenta, you can have more joy, pursue your passion and make more money while working less.

Our Story

Delenta was born with one purpose: give online coaches the power to maximize their coaching prowess by removing the most significant hurdle hindering them from living their best lives.

Unfortunately, many fall short when it comes to creating a thriving coaching business that allows you to live with purpose. The hours wasted and headaches caused by managing multiple platforms and tools is enough to wipe out any hopes of a healthy work/life balance.

At Delenta, we believe you have the power to decide what kind of life you want to live, then decide what type of business you want to create to achieve that dream life.

Either you control the business, or the business controls you – and our goal is to make sure that decision is yours to make.

So, what drives us to make this happen?

A guiding belief that the World should, and can, become a better place.  

- A place where people strive to grow, improve, and live out their dream by envisioning their dream life
and then creating that reality.
- A place where those with the ability to help make those dreams a reality.
- A place where you have the opportunity to run a successful online coaching business that makes you and your clients' dreams come true without sacrificing your mental health, burning yourself out, or creating a stressful business model that causes you to hate the work that you once loved.

To make all of these extraordinary ideas come true, we developed Delenta. Delenta is a fully integrated, intuitive, online coaching platform for client relationship management, invoicing, marketing, & lead gathering tools to make running and scaling your online business effortless.

Quit working so hard and get more done.

Are you wasting time and energy managing numerous online business tools and apps? Delenta allows you to prioritize & streamline important coaching tasks, giving you more time to focus on what motivated you to follow your coaching dreams.

We believe you should have the systems you need to manage your online coaching business without those systems becoming a time-suck.

As an Online Coach, there are things you'll never be able to anticipate fully. But, the things you can control, like invoices, emails, client relationships, and lead management, ought to work together seamlessly.

So, if you're looking around your office at a lengthy to-do list, sticky notes everywhere, and too many apps that work in different ways and cannot integrate with one another, we can help.

Delenta Software is a configurable, easy-to-use system that brings you clarity, confidence, and peace of mind so you can operate a simpler, more efficient Online Coaching Business, no matter the size. With affordable pricing, it's your "most bang for your buck" solution to support your business in scaling.

So, lose the sticky notes covering your desk and the countless apps promising to improve your business.

More Coaching, Less Admin. Avoid Multi-system Chaos with Delenta

10 Ways Delenta Will Improve Your Online-Coaching Business:

✅ Delenta combines the utility and power of 12+ apps into one, user-friendly platform to scale your business without adding additional work to your already busy life.

✅ The ability to assign tasks to yourself and your clients means you'll stop forgetting important to-dos, overbooking yourself, or falling behind on marketing activities.

✅ Appearing professional and organized to your clients right from the start.

✅ Delenta keeps your costs down by offering everything in one place.

✅ Increased work/life balance with less tools to manage

✅ Keep all of your essential information between you and each client in one place built just for you and them.

✅ Set reminders for yourself to make sure you never forget to send follow-up communications to warm prospects.

✅ You’ll never have to chase down payments again with automated payments and invoicing.

✅ Easily sell online courses without the expensive hosting fees.

✅ Save hours a day on administrative tasks that you can invest back into your clients and most importantly — yourself!
You started your own business to spend time doing what you love, not constantly learning how to use new tools. Delenta’s simple integrated platform rolls 12+ essential business apps into one, allowing you
to save 2+ hours a day on admin work, streamline your workflow, and aspire towards fulfilling your greater purpose.

What our Customers are saying

Delenta Review
Delenta has everything you need to...

Be better prepared.
Delenta gives you access to powerful tools to amplify, accelerate and automate online coaching business.

Build a successful online coaching business easier than ever.
Our software is so user-friendly, you can migrate your entire coaching business to our software, or start up an entirely new business, in just a few hours.

Never forget vital tasks.
This simple solution will aid you in managing clients, sending invoices, hosting courses, promoting your business, and more.

Gain back hours of your life. Learning to use new apps and tools can be a time-sucking nightmare. At Delenta, we know your time is valuable, and we want your business to flourish. Our platform seamlessly combines live in one, uncomplicated place to help you drive your business forward, not hold you

Try Delenta for yourself

✅ Automate marketing, admin, CRM, finances, and courses altogether in one central hub.
✅ Make technology work for you, not against you. Enable a greater reach, efficiency, and impact.
✅ Create a Customer Portal for easier scheduling, to-dos, notes, and sharing documents.
✅ Spend less time working while making more money, growing your coaching business, and
living your true life’s passion
✅ Experienced unparalleled support. All day, every day, if you need support, our team is ready to help.

Try Delenta now for 30 days free. After that, Delenta starts at only $19/month.

Get Started with Delenta Today!

Wishing you the greatest success in your business.


P.S We’re a small business and we created Delenta because we were overwhelmed by all of our administrative tasks and felt like we’d never get ahead. We went through the same struggle as you, trying out every CRM and software combination under the sun. None of them were ever good enough. That's why we made Delenta. We hope you try it out and find that its the perfect fit for your online coaching business too.
//GA Event Tracker Script. Licensed under MIT. Free for any use by all. Written by Paul Seal from // Get the category, action and label from the element and send it to GA. The action is optional, because mostly it will be a click event. var trackClickEvent = function () { var eventCategory = this.getAttribute("data-event-category"); var eventAction = this.getAttribute("data-event-action"); var eventLabel = this.getAttribute("data-event-label"); var eventValue = this.getAttribute("data-event-value"); ga('send', 'event', eventCategory, (eventAction != undefined && eventAction != '' ? eventAction : 'click'), eventLabel, eventValue); }; // Find all of the elements on the page which have the class 'ga-event' var elementsToTrack = document.getElementsByClassName("ga-event"); // Add an event listener to each of the elements you found var elementsToTrackLength = elementsToTrack.length; for (var i = 0; i < elementsToTrackLength; i++) { elementsToTrack[i].addEventListener('click', trackClickEvent, false); }