Terms and Conditions for Delenta Promotional Codes These are the terms and conditions for Delenta's Promotional Codes. We strongly recommend reading them before using any promotional codes to avoid potential issues. All promotional codes on Delenta are subject to the following terms and conditions.
Refund Policy No refunds are provided for purchased subscriptions
Promotional Code Usage Promotional codes can be applied when: 1. Purchasing a new subscription 2. Upgrading your current subscription plan 3. Switching from a monthly to a yearly subscription Discounts are typically valid for the first payment only, unless explicitly stated as a "lifetime" promotion Offer does not apply to trial periods.
Discount Limitations - Discounts are not valid outside of the specified promotional period and cannot be replaced with other codes - Monthly discount codes cannot be applied to yearly plans, and vice versa - Promotional codes have no monetary value and cannot be transferred or redeemed for cash or credit
Application of Promotional Codes - To apply a promotional code, you must enter it prior to completing the purchase - Promotional codes cannot be used in conjunction with any other offers or promotions - Promotional codes cannot be used for enterprise and custom packages
Responsibilities and Rights - Delenta accepts no responsibility for mistyped promotional codes - Delenta reserves the right to: Offer varying discount rates based on factors such as account creation date, usage frequency, and other criteria Modify the terms and conditions for promotional code use without further notice Cancel any promotional codes if fraud or similar activity is suspected
Customer Support For any questions or clarifications regarding promotional codes, please email us at support@delenta.com Delenta is committed to providing excellent service and support to all our users. We appreciate your adherence to these terms and conditions when using our promotional codes